Flight of the Bungled G for Piano Four-Hands

Flight of the Bungled G for Piano Four-Hands


Score: 4 pp.

Format: PDF

Duration: 2 1/2 min.

Catalogue No.: 145


This composition owes its existence to the UNH Hampshire Consort and its storied keyboardist, sackbut and recorder player, Paul Merrill. The first version of this piece was for solo harpsichord, composed in 2001. In 2018, I made a version for piano four-hands, and this was given its premiere performance in February 2019 by Sivan Etedgee and myself on a UNH Composers Concert in the Bratton Hall of the Paul Creative Arts Center at UNH. The piece is basically a set of variations on La Follia, but with a certain license to allow for the inclusion of a quote from Flight of the Bumble Bee by Rimsky-Korsakov, which is, itself, enhanced by a boogie- woogie accompaniment. The title refers to what happens on the very last downbeat, marked mezzo imbarazzato.

---C. Kies, 2020

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Catalogue / Piano Four-Hands / No. 145