Eight Ragtime Pieces for Piano

Eight Ragtime Pieces for Piano


Score: 81 pp.

Format: PDF

Duration: ca. 28 min.

Catalogue No.: 051


Three Birthday Rags:

1) Antonietta 2) Marianne 3) Charlotte

The Whole-Step Two-Step

The Octatonic Rag

Three Early Rags:

1) "Tisch" Rag
2) The Big Decision 3) Remembrance

Together, the three birthday rags comprise an informal “birthdays suite”, while the individual pieces originated as birthday offerings for each of my three daughters.

The first piece, Antonietta, was composed in 1984 for her first birthday. It is a Schumannesque piece not only in the use of musical letters taken from family members’ initials, but also in some of the rhythmic adventures of the last section.
The initials, C, A. E., and A, determine the first two themes as well as the overall key scheme of the piece. The conclusion is brought about by a set of variations on “Rock a bye Baby”.

The second piece, Marianne (or Sugarplum Rag), was composed for her second birthday in 1987. This piece is an extended fantasy based on the theme, “Sing a Song of Sixpence”. Half- way through, a set of variations begins, and it uses a harmonic framework loosely derived from “Sing a Song...”. Once again, echoes of Robert Schumann are to be heard, especially in the coda.

Finally, Charlotte (or My Little Charlotte), was written for her third birthday in 1993.
In this piece, after the ragtime sections (which include two stop-time sections), a set of variations follows based on “Tip-Toe-Through-the-Tulips”. These alternate with variations on “My Little Margie” (from the 1920’s), which in our house became “My Little Charlotte”. On the technical side, it is fair to say that Robert Schumann should not be blamed (maybe Charles Ives, though) for some of the complexities which include, at one point, hemiolized-syncopated-triplet half notes in the right hand over ragtime eighths in the left hand whose barline is shifted by one eighth-note.

Arlene Kies, meanwhile, in addition to executing with highest distinction the duties of mother (i.e. mom) in this case, is to be honored further for having given not only the premieres but also the definitive performances of all three of these very nasty piano pieces.

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Catalogue / Piano Solo / No. 051